What are you going to do when I am no longer here?
¿Qué vas a hacer cuando ya no esté más?
FilmsToFestivals Distribution Agency
What are you going to do when I am no longer here?
¿Qué vas a hacer cuando ya no esté más?
Miren Felder dies on top of a snowy mountain after a plane crash in 1977. The director discovers secret messages from her grandmother in photographs taken by her military grandfather and offers herself as a medium in a ritual to communicate with her.
Miren Felder muere en la cima de una montaña nevada tras un accidente aéreo en 1977. La directora descubre mensajes secretos de su abuela en las fotografías tomadas por su abuelo militar y se ofrece como médium en un ritual para comunicarse con ella.
Hasta los animales más insignificantes tienen intacto el instinto de supervivencia. Pero El Malincho no: este joven bandido busca desesperadamente refugio en el amor.
Even the most insignificant animals have their survival instinct intact. But not El Malincho: this young bandit desperately seeks refuge in love.
In an era plagued by disinformation, a new superhero emerges to combat the global spread of “inFAKEtados”: Meet Xika.
En una era infectada por la desinformación, surge un nuevo superhéroe para combatir la propagación global de los “inFAKEtados”: Conoce a Xika.
In the first found-footage film in the history of cinema, we may find the filmmaker’s great-grandfather, a deserter from the Russian Revolution. A century later, while rewatching her own home movies, shot in the ‘90s by her father and compiled on DVD, Azul discovers powerful fictions of a social class. Tracing the film scraps in dialogue with her hard-of-hearing mother, Azul wonders if it might be possible to twist that which has been inherited in pursuit of an emancipatory destiny.
There is no love, no kitten, no movie, no watercolors, no whale, no music, nothing of that is enough.
No hay amor, no hay gatito, no hay película, no hay acuarelas, no hay ballena, no hay música, no hay nada de todo eso que alcance.
The same day a teenager discovers he has superpowers, his sister is kidnapped. Together with his best friend they travel to the rescue and he learns to use his powers.
El mismo día que un joven descubre que tiene superpoderes, secuestran a su hermana. Acompañado por su mejor amiga, viajan al rescate y aprende a usar sus poderes.
Nine-year-old Blas is an only son living in a large and desolate house. One day he finds a can of spray paint and becomes determined to show his name in the streets of his neighborhood.
Blas tiene nueve años, es hijo único en una casa grande y desolada. Un día encuentra una lata de pintura en aerosol y decide mostrar su nombre en las calles de su barrio.
“Now I know and understand that the main thing in our craft is not glory, nor shine, nor fulfilling dreams, but knowing how to endure, carry your cross, and believe. Now I believe and do not feel so much pain, and when I think of my vocation: I am not afraid of life.» Chejov.
«Ahora sé y comprendo, que lo principal en nuestro oficio no es la gloria, ni el brillo, ni cumplir los sueños, sino el saber soportar, llevar tu cruz, y creer, ahora yo creo y no siento tanto dolor, y cuando pienso en mi vocación: no le tengo miedo a la vida» La gaviota» Chejov.
A photographer works with different images of his territory and wonders about the landscapes and relationships between the Patagonian steppe’s people, institutions, and wildlife.
Un fotógrafo trabaja con distintas imágenes de su territorio, y se pregunta por los paisajes y las relaciones entre personas, instituciones y animales salvajes de la estepa patagónica.
An agoraphobic musician, locked up in his home, begins to live with a shadow cast on his wall; a shadow that has a life of its own. Meanwhile, between jobs, music, scripts, gymnasts and volleyball matches, the musician’s friends go on with their lives during the beginning of autumn in Buenos Aires.
Un músico agorafóbico, encerrado en su hogar, comienza a convivir con una sombra proyectada en la pared; una sombra que tiene vida propia. Mientras tanto, entre trabajos, música, guiones, gimnastas y partidos de voley, los amigos del músico recorren las calles de Buenos Aires en el inicio del otoño.
In the chaotic city of Buenos Aires, a traveling salesman wants to close an important deal, but he distrusts his partner.
Un vendedor ambulante desea concretar un negocio importante, con un socio del cual desconfía.
A group of teenagers sign up in a ghost contest to become ball-girls in a Grand Slam tournament. In a town where people come and go, time thickens while they await the results.
Un grupo de adolescentes se inscribe en una convocatoria para ser alcanza-pelotas en un torneo de Grand Slam. Al tiempo que esperan, se revela información sobre la misteriosa desaparición de la influencer más popular del pueblo.
Avel takes down his bird’s cage and sets off on his motorcycle towards the hill; the wind sings through the bars, and a deep blue appears. A journey through time begins that returns us to the purest notion of freedom.
Avel descuelga la jaula de su pájaro y parte en moto rumbo al cerro, la música del viento atraviesa los barrotes, un azul profundo asoma. Comienza un viaje en el tiempo que nos devuelve la más pura noción de libertad.
Carmen practices Vaulting (artistic gymnastics over a horse) and has a tense relationship with her coach and teammates, as they will introduce her to a strange rite.
Carmen es practicante de Vaulting (gimnasia artística con caballos) y tiene una tensa relación con sus compañeras y entrenadora que la introducen en un extraño rito.
While waiting for roadside assistance, Ernesto distracts himself by reading a comic book on a famous torero’s queer romance. A psychic offers him a past life reading which will unleash in him the drive needed to start a sentimental affair with the town’s mechanic.
Esperando por auxilio mecánico Ernesto se distrae leyendo una historieta sobre el romance gay de un torero famoso. Una vidente le ofrece una lectura de su vida pasada y esto destraba en él una pulsión que lo encamina a vincularse sentimentalmente con el mecánico del pueblo.
A Guaraní voice leads us through a poem of life and death. A feverish jungle dream.
Una voz guaraní nos guía a través de un poema sobre vida y muerte. Un febril sueño de jungla.
Deep in the rural flatlands of a rural town, a young queer boy, ERNESTO, secretly dreams of becoming a dancer. Mind you, no ‘real’ men dance around here. But it’s only after a magical encounter with a broken-hearted drag queen, RUBY, that ERNESTO finds the courage to do so.
While working on a commissioned film, the director pictures her mother in an advertising film archive. This image forces her to think about who her mother was, or rather, who was that woman before becoming her mother. To understand, sometimes it is better to look at things from a certain distance.
Mientras trabaja sobre un archivo de cine publicitario la directora cree ver a su madre. Este encuentro fantasmático la obliga a pensar en quién fue su mamá, o más bien, quién fue esa mujer antes de ser su mamá. Para comprender, a veces, es mejor mirar las cosas con cierta distancia.
Women in their thirties meet men through dating apps in Buenos Aires. They search for fun and sex but also for kindness and affinity. One doesn’t always find them, but these dates aren’t expressed as failures or achievements, they just draw with humor and tenderness the seek of one on another, and of one in oneself.
Mujeres en sus treinta exploran aplicaciones de levante en Buenos Aires. Buscan diversión y sexo, pero también afecto y afinidad. No siempre lo logran, pero estos encuentros no se traducen en sucesos o fracasos, sino que dibujan con ternura y humor el viaje en sí.
A girl tries to go back home with her little brother while she protects him from this wild imagination.
Una hermana mayor intenta volver con su hermano menor a casa, mientras lo protege de su exacerbada imaginación
The smoke emerging from the volcano augurs a repressed but rebellious heart. Is there empathy between the volcanic eruption and the social claim?
El humo que emerge del volcán augura un corazón reprimido pero rebelde. ¿Existe una empatía entre la erupción volcánica y el hervor social?
A scientist sowing a plant that takes all over the cities and changes the world as we know it.
Un científico siembra una planta que invade las ciudades y cambia el mundo tal como lo conocemos.
Un scientifique sème une plante qui envahit les villes et change le monde tel que nous le connaissons.
An ensemble of actors worships a mysterious object that they believe is the magical ground for their success.
Un ensamble de actores posee un objeto misterioso que creen que es la base mágica de su éxito.
Jhon Martínez, a former FARC guerrilla soldier, opens his photographic archive to evoke life in the jungle and narrate the process of abandoning.
Jhon Martínez un ex guerrillero de FARC, abre su archivo fotográfico para evocar la vida en la selva y narrar el proceso de dejación de armas.
A documentary essay about freedom and domestic animals.
Un ensayo documental sobre la libertad y los animales domésticos.
After my father died, the details of his life get lost in silence. My need to get to know him, reveals a story marked by his public homosexuality and political activism until his 40s, and the absolute secret of his past after he got married.
The case of Romina Tejerina, a teenage girl killing her baby daughter that was conceived in rape, reveals the impunity of sexual violence and the epidemic of child and teen mothers. Thousands of women across the country defend Romina and hold the church and the State responsible.
El caso de Romina Tejerina, una adolescente que mata a la hija engendrada por una violación, devela la impunidad de la violencia sexual y la epidemia de madres niñas y adolescentes. Miles de mujeres en todo el país toman la defensa de Romina y apuntan a la responsabilidad de Iglesia y el Estado.
A cell phone rings late at night. Ana answers the phone, stunned. With some resentment, she gets out of bed to get into a taxi that will take her to the last stretch of a relationship.
Un celular suena en la madrugada. Ana atiende, aturdida. Con cierto resquemor, se levanta de la cama para subirse a un taxi que la conducirá hacia el último tramo de una relación difícil.
Un arbitro que por las noches imita a Serrat, un DT que apela a mensajes de autoayuda para motivar a su equipo, un jugador héroe que planea retirarse y un dirigente que pone su ingenio para que el club sobreviva. Lo que la película narra es simple, genuino. Un retrato del mundo del fútbol de ascenso en Argentina.
A referee who is a Joan Manuel Serrat impersonator in the evenings, a coach who resorts to self-help phrases to motivate the team, an idol player with retirement plans, and a club official who comes up with ideas to help the club survive. What the film narrates is simple and honest. A portrait of the world of the promotion football league in Argentina.
On the same day of hir birthday, Alice receives the medication to start HIV treatment. His health, damaged by AIDS, puts his life at risk. Without thinking, he enters a trance mobilized by love and fear, his convictions and imagination, guilt and desire. Alice must fight, live and love with the disease.
El mismo día de su cumpleaños, Alice recibe la medicación para iniciar el tratamiento contra el VIH. Su salud, deteriorada por el SIDA, pone en riesgo su vida. Sin pensarlo entra en un trance movilizado por el amor y el miedo, sus convicciones y la imaginación, la culpa y el deseo. Alice debe luchar, vivir y amar con la enfermedad.
The land expels and the ocean drowns, departures repeat themselves in every generation. Selva dances within voices and memories, in a game that prepares her for the inevitable separation.
La tierra expulsa y el mar ahogan, la partida se repite en cada generación. Selva baila entre voces y recuerdos, un juego que la prepara para la inevitable separación.
A teenager girl wants to save a horse that’s about to die in the slaughterhouse, and she’s willing to do anything to save it.
Una adolescente roba un caballo que está a punto de morir en un frigorífico y va a hacer lo necesario para intentar salvarlo.
A father and his son are preparing to travel in search of a better life; but what seems like a simple decision will be transformed into an odyssey full of pitfalls, before which they must make sacrifices.
Un padre y su hijo se disponen a viajar en busca de una mejor vida; pero lo que parece una sencilla decisión se transformará en una odisea plagada de escollos, ante los cuales no habrá más remedio que hacer algunos sacrificios…
The game of the airplane that makes a Grandmother to her grandson has serious consequences when he imagines much more than expected.
El juego del avioncito que le hace una Abuelita a su nieto bebé tiene consecuencias graves cuando este imagina mucho más de lo esperado.
Ela lives in Colonia Delicia, Misiones and travels through the sexual awakening. Her father rejects her concerns out of fear. The appearance of Ivan, a photographer, awakens in Ela the illusion of satiating her desires, but vanishes when she reveals that Ivan’s sexual intentions are different to hers.
Ela vive en Colonia Delicia, Misiones y transita por el despertar sexual. Su padre rechaza sus inquietudes por temor. La aparición de Iván, un fotógrafo, despierta en Ela la ilusión de saciar sus deseos, pero se desvanece cuando revela que las intenciones de Iván son diferentes ante su sexualidad.
To the Silence is the story of a farewell, an elegy, a man’s journey to the heart of the mountain. He travels carrying on his back all the weight of his story; like a cross, a big bag that accompanies him on his walk.
Al Silencio es la historia de una despedida, una elegía, el viaje de un hombre al corazón de la montaña, lo hace llevando en su espalda todo el peso de su historia; como una cruz, un gran bolso lo acompaña en su andar.
CENTAUR is a Greek-Creole western that is set amongst the palm trees and TV aerials of the soy producing Pampas. When the bad gaucho invokes the spirit of his dead brother, the drama of representation is unleashed. Violence –always instrumental– emerges in the form of a whip-knife carried by the horse-man. In short, the centaur, just like the gaucho, is a myth, but an interrupted myth that was lost far away and long ago. Only that this story occurs nearby and in more recent times.
On the assembly line red cans go by. The worker repeats the same sequence of movements. One day, he takes a can from the line and reads the instructions for use. Acting and working are industrial exercises. Everything that needs to be said, is said in the locker room.
Cristian is a young actor who has trouble distinguishing fantasy from reality. While he waits for his girlfriend in a bar, his mind delves in the memories of their relationship and the mysterious figure of Rubén Alvarán, a man born in Paraguay in the early years of the 20th century.
A very old Chimai, spiritual healer, faces a demon with the power of her drum.
Itaeté and Ulises, a Guraní old man and a guaraní young teenager, are immersed into the jungle, building a canoe. Itaeté is trying instilling a traditional legacy in the boy, but Ulises isn’t very interested. His true calling is music. He’s a rapper.
Sofia is sixteen, she likes to talk over the phone with her older sister who lives in the city and smoking secretly. Maria Lujan, her best friend, likes black coffee and butter cookies; she has a girlfriend and never hesitates when doing what she feels. But one night Lujan has its first fear: Sofia kisses a girl. Lujan is filled with love but also with the certainty that falling in love is not an option.
After the mysterious disappearance of his aunt, Mateo begins to remember his childhood at her land in the wild. Between a series of telephone conversations, pierced with the images of two families in the same house, we enter a timeless journey bounded by three stories where the visible occupants get mixed up with the invisible ones.