El Trabajo Indistrial

On the assembly line red cans go by. The worker repeats the same sequence of movements. One day, he takes a can from the line and reads the instructions for use. Acting and working are industrial exercises. Everything that needs to be said, is said in the locker room.


Industrial Work



Technical Info / Información Técnica:

(2015) – 00:09:15 – Argentina – cámara Sony F3 – 24 FPS – aspect ratio: 1.77 –  espacio de color es XYZ – sonido 5.1





Synopsis / Sinopsis:

On the assembly line red cans go by. The worker repeats the same sequence of movements. One day, he takes a can from the line and reads the instructions for use. Acting and working are industrial exercises. Everything that needs to be said, is said in the locker room.


Sobre la cinta de montaje pasan las latas rojas. El trabajador repite la misma secuencia de movimientos. Un día saca una lata de la cinta y lee las instrucciones de uso. Actuar y trabajar son ejercicios indutriales. Todo lo que hay que hablar, se habla en el vestuario.




Director´s Biography / Biografía del Director:


Gerardo Naumann was born in 1976 in Buenos Aires. He wrote and directed several theatre plays, amongst them Emily, A useful play, The factory, Workers leaving the factory, The performance. His plays were shown in Argentina, Portugal, Germany, Holland, Switzerland, Ireland, Poland, India and Singapore. As a filmmaker he produced and directed Novios del campo (Country Side Lovers, short, BAFICI 2009). Together with Nele Wohlatz he directed Ricardo Bär (Ricardo Bär, long, 2013, FID Marseille – Mention Spécial Prix Premier, Viennale, Mostra Sao Paulo, International Film Festival Mar del Plata, Duisburger Filmwoche – Best First Film Award, Forumdoc Belo Horizonte, Docpoint Helsinki, Bradford International Film Festival, Play – Doc España, Dokumentarfilmwoche Hamburg, EDOC Quito, Lima Independiente, Dokufest Prizren). El trabajo industrial (Industrial work, short 2015, Fid Marseille)




Filmography / Filmografía:

Novios del Campo / Country Side Lovers, short documentary (2009)

Ricardo Bär (2013) is his first feature film.

El trabajo industrial (Industrial Work, short, 2015)




Overview / Ficha técnica:

Script / Guión: Gerardo Naumann

Director / Director: Gerardo Naumann

General Productor / Productores: Ruda Cine, Gerardo Naumann

Cinematography and Camera / Dirección de fotografía y Cámara: Fernando Lockett

Art Director / Director de Arte: Victoria Marotta

Sound Design / Diseño de Sonido: Daniela Ale

Editing / Edición: José María Aviles Endara, Alejo Moguillansky, Sebastián Schjaer, Joaquín Aras

Cast / Actores: Maximiliano Romero




Festivals, Awards and Nominations / Festivales, Premios y Nominaciones:

– Pantalla Pinamar; 03/2015; Argentina.

– FICIC; Cosquín International Film Festival – “Special Mention”; 05/2016; Argentina.